
Barbara Rea on Grinding from an Early Age, Saying Yes to Everything, and Optimism

Barbara Rea on Grinding from an Early Age, Saying Yes to Everything, and Optimism

Barbara Rea joins Greg Bell for an intimate discussion on growing a career starting at age 12, to being adopted and how that shaped Barbara’s optimism, and what she would say to people who have imposter syndrome.

Using 'What’s Going Well' to Boost Peak Performance

Using 'What’s Going Well' to Boost Peak Performance

Changing our focus to What’s Going Well and rejecting negativity isn’t just about making us happier (though that’s a nice side-effect, too!). When we practice it regularly, it extends far beyond day-to-day joy and becomes a part of who we are. Eventually, we don’t have to work to practice it anymore. It comes to us naturally.

Using What’s Going Well to Change Our Language

Using What’s Going Well to Change Our Language

Language is embedded in everything around us. It doesn’t just impact how we think, it is how we think. It’s the start of a chain reaction: how we think greatly impacts what we believe, and what we believe impacts the actions we take or don’t take, which eventually shapes our reality.

How to Use 'What’s Going Well' to Enhance Company Culture

How to Use 'What’s Going Well' to Enhance Company Culture

When teams or entire organizations implode, it’s rarely due to poor business strategy or a lack of skill from higher-ups or employees. More often, the breakdown is caused by a lack of gratitude and appreciation throughout the organization’s culture.

Manage Your Own Punch Bowl

Being a leader requires emotional energy. There are lots of demands on your time and energy. I was recently leading a seminar with a group of upcoming leaders and I was asked, "How can I stay positive in such a demanding world as a leader with the complexity of all my roles?" I responded that it’s up to you to fill your punch bowl. Every day I think about what activities I will engage in that will fill my punch bowl.