Embracing the Silence: The Power of a Bamboo Retreat

Embracing the Silence: The Power of a Bamboo Retreat

Taking a personal retreat seems like a distant luxury in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Yet, the true essence of a Bamboo Retreat lies not in running away from life’s obligations but in the journey toward self-discovery and rejuvenation. Having experienced and witnessed the transformative power of such retreats, I know that embracing this practice can be a pivotal point in your personal and professional growth.

The Seinfeld Method: How to Water Your Bamboo Every Day

The Seinfeld Method: How to Water Your Bamboo Every Day

I'm always seeking ways to be more productive and grow both personally and professionally. That's why Jerry Seinfeld's "don't break the chain" method has become one of my favorite ways of staying on task to achieve goals.

The core idea from comedian Jerry Seinfeld is this: Do the most important thing for your big goals for at least 15-20 minutes every single day without breaking the chain. Get yourself a calendar and cross off each day you put in the work.

Embracing Innovation: Lessons from Dick Fosbury and How to Cultivate a Culture of Innovation

Embracing Innovation: Lessons from Dick Fosbury and How to Cultivate a Culture of Innovation

Something we all hear a lot about but struggle to integrate into our lives is innovation. Innovation can be a bit tricky. One of the reasons innovation is tricky is because we humans are creatures of habit, often finding comfort in the familiar, even when innovation is necessary. Another challenge when it comes to innovation is our desire to be accepted and fit in.

Conquering Fear: A Bamboo Farmer’s Guide

Conquering Fear: A Bamboo Farmer’s Guide

We all grapple with fear. It can halt us dead in our tracks. During my years studying and interacting with Bamboo Farmers worldwide, I’ve found that each one has battled some sort of fear on their road to success. Yet, overcoming this fear is crucial; it’s the threshold to resilience and success.

Lighten Up

Lighten Up

The global pandemic has taken a toll on our mental health, and many of us are feeling overwhelmed with our efforts. It's important that we find ways to lighten up so that we can take care of ourselves and support each other.

We all have an impact on each other, and when I think about lightening up, I think of it like a candle. When your candle is lit, you have a lightness about you. And best of all, a lit candle can light an unlit candle, and can continue lighting other unlit candles. 

How to Shed Emotional Baggage and Reach Your Full Potential

How to Shed Emotional Baggage and Reach Your Full Potential

We all carry emotional baggage with us from past experiences and relationships, which can hold us back from reaching our full potential. When giant timber bamboo grows, it sheds its outer layer to reach its full potential. 

We need to do the same. 

We must ask ourselves these questions to begin the process of shedding our outer layer, just like giant timber bamboo:

Believing in Your Bamboo Dream: The Power of Strong Belief in Achieving Your Goals

Believing in Your Bamboo Dream: The Power of Strong Belief in Achieving Your Goals

In 1939, there was a student by the name of George Dantzig running late for a statistics class at Cal Berkeley. He was about 20 minutes late and slipped into class unnoticed. He saw there were some problems on the board, so he wrote them down, assuming it was homework, then he continued to listen to the lecture. When he got home, he realized the homework problems were pretty challenging. Nevertheless, he took a few days and finished the problems and turned them in to his professor. 

How the Bamboo Farmer Deals with Imposter Syndrome

How the Bamboo Farmer Deals with Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a feeling or experience where an individual feels undeserving of their position or accomplishments. It is not a medical syndrome but rather a tendency that can impact an individual's confidence and ability to succeed. Imposter syndrome can cause people to procrastinate, not apply for jobs they are qualified for, or avoid taking on new projects.

The Generous Bamboo Farmer

The Generous Bamboo Farmer

I pick a theme for each year, and this year’s theme is generosity. Although it is critical that you take care of your own bamboo, generosity is also important. I’ve been focusing on this theme for the past ten months and have learned a lot. Most importantly, I realized that it’s just as important to learn how to receive generosity as it is to be generous with others. It stops the flow if someone is generous to us and we don’t receive it. Generosity has a ripple effect, like throwing a pebble into a pond–even the most minor act of generosity can impact those around us.

Simplify! ASAP

Simplify! ASAP

When you’re watering your bamboo in your career and life, it’s a good idea to simplify, otherwise you’ll have no energy left for watering your Bamboo. Think of it as weeding the Bamboo Garden. You don’t want weeds because they will take all the nutrients your bamboo needs to grow. If you feel overworked and overcommitted, you won’t have the energy and desire to accomplish your goals, so you must simplify.

How to Lead a Happier Life

How to Lead a Happier Life

Something most people do is pursue happiness. For many of us, being happy is the ultimate goal of life, and we want to find this in our careers, family, and friends.

But I believe that pursuing happiness is precisely the problem with being happy. We treat happiness like some distant destination we have to reach. So in this post, I’m going to share six tools for you to be happy right now.