
Marc Patrick, Global Marketing Leader at Beyond Meat on work ethic, continuous learning, and not being distracted by shiny objects

Marc Patrick, Global Marketing Leader at Beyond Meat on work ethic, continuous learning, and not being distracted by shiny objects

Marc Patrick began his career as a receptionist, answering and redirecting calls, and now he’s a global brand and marketing leader at Beyond Meat.

So, how did he get here?

In this episode, you’ll hear how Marc’s work ethic and Bamboo Circle played key roles in his career growth, and why he will never stop learning and growing.

Don’t miss this insightful conversation with one of the world’s brightest marketing leaders.

Gonzaga Men’s Basketball Head Coach Mark Few on Building Strong Relationships and Community for Sustained Growth

Gonzaga Men’s Basketball Head Coach Mark Few on Building Strong Relationships and Community for Sustained Growth

Think about everyone in your network, team, and community--that’s your Bamboo Circle.

Our guest today, Mark Few, Gonzaga Men’s Basketball Head Coach, shares how he has built deep-rooted relationships with current and former players, their families, and the community at large to build his Bamboo Circle.

Leadership and Management – both are needed!

Leadership and Management – both are needed!

Frankly, I get tired of people bashing management because it is almost impossible to function without good management. “Management” is the only group in an organization that people openly bash. I have read countless organizational consultants and strategists praising leadership skills over management skills as superior and more important.