Where is your spotlight shining?

What we focus on and the questions we ask casts a spotlight. This spotlight sets our mindset and determines how we see the world. Remember when you bought your first car, and then you began to see others like it—the same make, model, and color everywhere? It’s like they magically appeared. But they didn’t. They were always there; you merely weren’t casting your spotlight in that direction until you had one, and then you began to see them.

This example also translates to a What’s Going Well mindset (positive) and what’s going wrong mindset (negative). You will see more of what you put your spotlight on. Take these examples:

What’s Going Wrong mindset: “I can’t ever catch a break.” It would be hard to see opportunities right in front of you and it could make you feel hopeless, so you don’t take any action.

What’s Going Well mindset: “Things always work out for me. I believe that I will achieve my sales quota this quarter.” When you shine the spotlight on your goals, you are more likely to see an opportunity to take the necessary actions to achieve your goals.

Anecdotally, I have noticed that individuals and organizations that have embraced creating a What’s Going Well mindset have been thriving during the pandemic. They report that they are more positive, productive, and continuously find more joy in work despite the challenges.

Sadly, we are naturally prone to have a what’s going wrong mindset because we are still stuck with our two-million-year-old brains that focus on seeing issues and problems for the purpose of survival. The What’s Going Well mindset is about thriving, not merely surviving.

Unfortunately, many are still stuck in this “what’s going wrong” mindset. If you want to be more positive and productive put your spotlight on the What’s Going Well mindset instead. A What’s Going Well mindset is the software upgrade that our brains need to shine the spotlight on all of the positives in life and work. If your organization is struggling to stay positive, download my free What’s Going Well for Teams Guide and learn how to shift your spotlight on What’s Going Well.