Transformation Over Transactions

My friends know that I’m a big-time jokester, so I enjoy adding in some light-hearted jokes throughout my day. For example, when I go to Starbucks, I ask for my tea with 3.14159265359 inches of steamed soy. Many times the barista will give me a double-take, confused by my ultra-specific order, and others understand that I’m referring to Pi (Sunday, March 14th was Pi Day, by the way!).

I wanted to share that example because too often we go throughout our day without putting much thought or intention into anything we do. I call those transactions. 

We order coffee, go to the grocery store, pay our bills, and go to work habitually without any intention behind our actions or behaviors. It’s anything but transformational. 

Going back to my Starbucks barista interaction, I do that because I want to throw them off a bit, make them laugh, and have a fun conversation. These actions can lead to transformation in us and in the people we interact with--because by not making an interaction transactional we can connect deeper with others.

During the pandemic, one of the problems we are facing is that we’re in a lot more transactions. Many of us are going from virtual meeting to virtual meeting, leaving zero time for transformation. Perhaps we should slow down a bit, lighten the mood, and it may lead to deeper and more meaningful conversations. As humans, we’re meant to connect more deeply and I think the transactions are wearing us down mentally. 

So I’ll challenge you: in your next interaction or meeting this week, seek a transformational interaction. Ask a thought-provoking question like “What’s Going Well? to your colleague, spouse/partner, or the barista at Starbucks--you never know what it can lead to.

This post is based on a podcast episode by Greg Bell. 

Listen below for the full episode: