
Regina Ellis on bringing joy to people in challenging times

Regina Ellis on bringing joy to people in challenging times

In this episode, hear how Regina instills joy in her organization, teams, and patient care, and how she overcame the darkest periods of her life.

Don’t miss this incredible interview with Regina Ellis, founder of the Children’s Cancer Association (CCA).

David Rae on patience, teamwork, and relationships during COVID-19

David Rae on patience, teamwork, and relationships during COVID-19

Just like bamboo, David Rae, has strong roots. Rae, a co-founder of 503 Media and mastermind behind TEDx Portland, shares with us the importance of having the appropriate mental state for success in leadership and business, how he developed a long-term view to everything he does in business and in life, and the challenges of strengthening relationships during the health crisis.

You won’t want to miss this refreshingly honest and vulnerable conversation with one of Portland, Oregon’s top leaders, Dave Rae.

Where is your spotlight shining?

Where is your spotlight shining?

What we focus on and the questions we ask casts a spotlight. This spotlight sets our mindset and determines how we see the world. Remember when you bought your first car, and then you began to see others like-it—the same make, model, and color everywhere? It’s like they magically appeared. But they didn’t. They were always there; you merely weren’t casting your spotlight in that direction until you had one, and then you began to see them.

The Battle of the Books: Which One Wins?

This year I have noticed an interesting pattern. When clients request a keynote presentation, I ask which speech they want me to deliver--one focused on Water The Bamboo, Unleashing the Potential of Teams and Individuals or What’s Going Well? The Question that Changes Everything?

It’s been about a 50–50 split.

I developed a keynote and a half day workshop around the What’s Going Well mindset. Below is a short video that gives you a flavor of the new book and keynote.

Watch the What's Going Well Video

And if you are not familiar with the Water The Bamboo keynote and workshop here is a video to help you gain an understanding.