Now What?!?

So you are washing your hands like a “mad person,” keeping your social distance to 6 feet and have enough toilet paper for an army. Now What?!?

Like many, you feel like your bamboo has been all wiped out. All of the things you’ve been working for are in jeopardy due to the Coronavirus pandemic. You are merely trying to make sense of it all. People are saying ‘don’t panic’ which makes you even more anxious.

One of the most important things for us humans is certainty, and right now, there is not a lot of it. However, one thing is for sure—you can bounce back. Every single time there has been a crisis in your life up to this point, you somehow recovered. I am not saying bouncing back will be an easy road, but you have always bounced back. I have had enough hardship in my life to believe genuinely in the phrase “this too shall pass.” It seems the worst crisis a person faces is the one they are currently in, and you will bounce back from this one.

Perhaps it’s time to Water The Bamboo! The Bamboo Farmer starts with a seed and waters it for up to 5 years before it touches the surface and then grows 90 feet in 60 days; we all want that growth, but do we have the drive and resilience to start over? I think you do!

I make my living delivering live, inspiring leadership keynotes and seminars to large groups, many this month have been postponed. So now what?!?

I could whine and complain, but I only allow myself 45 seconds a day for that useless activity. I am going to do what I always do. I am going to ask What’s Going Well? and then I will keep Watering The Bamboo!

Here are 10 ideas that might help with your Now What?!?

  1. Only concern yourself with things you can control.

  2. Get help if you need it, but don’t dump your troubles needlessly on others. You must remember they have concerns of their own. (think before you act or speak; ask yourself “Is this helpful?”)

  3. Go on a “Media Diet.” Be very selective about the images and inputs you take in during this time. Keep up to date on information that is affecting you, but there is no reason to become an “expert” on the Coronavirus or read every post about it. 

  4. Avoid negative future tripping. Deal with things one moment at a time (one breath at a time).

  5. Do things that will help you be more present – exercise, yoga, stretch, meditate – activities that will reduce stress and provide a retreat and renewal.

  6. Do your best to sidestep other people’s negative views. Be careful, “negaholics” shine at times like this, so limit your exposure. They can be worse than the virus itself.

  7. Show kindness to frustrated and hurt people, but don’t become one of them.

  8. Remember, nothing can be gained by whining and blaming - it merely depletes your energy. Vow to be solution-focused.

  9. Reach out to friends and family who uplift you. Think ‘Physical Distancing’ instead of social distancing.

  10. Ask yourself - What’s Going Well? Our view of life becomes what we pay attention to.