Water The Bamboo to Improved Sales

I spend a considerable amount of time leading sales team retreats and keynoting at sales conferences. When I present to sales teams, they love the philosophy of my book Water The Bamboo, and many are shocked that giant timber bamboo can grow a remarkable 90 feet in 60 days. What shocks them most about the growth of bamboo is that it can go weeks without much growth, and then skyrocket into the air many weeks later. 

Like most sales people, they want results instantly—myself included! I do my best to convince the people I speak with that it’s not about the growth of the bamboo; it’s about having the discipline and patience to water daily without seeing results right away.  

In other words, stick to the process.  

I get it, results are essential to seeing progress, and it’s discouraging when we don’t see results right away. But if you shift your mindset to focus on the excitement of the process of watering, results will come. Don’t get impatient; you’re almost there!  

Follow these steps, and your bamboo will grow! 

  1. Avoid watering weeds; spend your time on high-value activities, not ones that take you away from your goals.

  2. Make sure your watering matches your ambition, goals, and most importantly, your values.

  3. Enjoy the process. Successful bamboo farmers are the ones that love the watering.

  4. Be present in the short term, but maintain a long term perspective.