Ten Ways Bamboo Farmers Push Through Adversity

Everyone faces adversity, but some can rise up when things are challenging, while others seem to struggle. Bamboo Farmers find a way to overcome setbacks and roadblocks that cause others to give up.

Author’s note:
For those of you who haven’t read my first book,
Water The Bamboo®, I use the phenomenal growth of giant timber bamboo as a metaphor for individual and team development and potential

So how do Bamboo Farmers bounce back and find a way to overcome setbacks and misfortune?

The Bamboo Farmer knows that it takes up to five years before they will see their bamboo grow, so they already have a long term view. In other words, the Bamboo Farmer already has patience and persistence.

Furthermore, here are 10 ways Bamboo Farmers push through adversity and bolster themselves, even when facing misfortune.

  1. Believe in yourself – I know it’s a bit clichè, but there has never been another you, and there never will be another you, so honor yourself by believing in your uniqueness and vow to yourself never to stop believing.

  2. Remember your values – Bamboo Farmers reflect on what is essential in times of uncertainty and adversity. Your core values are reminders of who you are and what you care about, no matter what is going on.

  3. Maintain a Long Term Positive Vision – Bamboo Farmers know it takes a lot of days and nights to become an “overnight” success. Don’t be deceived by the lack of visible bamboo; you must hold a positive vision despite the setback.

  4. Bamboo Farmers focus on What’s Going Well – Maintain an intense focus on the specific things going well and be general about the things that aren’t going well. Find and identify the bright spots in and around you.

  5. Keep your sense of humor - Find ways to laugh. Laughter reduces stress and releases tension. A good laugh does the body and mind good, as laughter releases dopamine and endorphins—nature’s feel-good chemicals. Want to build and maintain resilience? Laugh more.

  6. Get support from your Bamboo Circle – If you find yourself struggling, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your network. Sure, you have to take responsibility for your life, but it is hard to find anyone who gets through tough situations without help. The roots of a stalk of giant timber bamboo grow over 100 yards, so underneath the ground, grove roots remain deeply bound and connected, helping the entire grove withstand setbacks and challenges.

  7. Take a break from the 24/7 news cycle – the news is generally too sensational – it highlights the most negative extremes of a situation and rarely highlights the positives. Set time limits on how much time you read or watch the news and then move on with your day.

  8. Avoid Perfectionism – Don’t try to be a hero and do things perfectly when facing challenges. Instead, find the small wins as you recover. Wins during adverse conditions look and feel differently versus when conditions are more favorable.

  9. Recall all the challenges you have overcome - You have made your way through challenges before. As the old adage says, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Reflect on how you overcame past challenges. What helped you through? Think of past experiences that can help you find your resilience and strength now.

  10. View adversity as an opportunity for growth and learning - They say adversity is a good teacher, but you must do some self-reflection. What insights can you gain that might help you moving forward. Learn from your mistakes so you’ll have a better chance of success next time. What lessons are you learning that will help you in the future?